Sunday, June 16, 2013

Large Rose Chart

Even though we are having our second boy (yay!) I had these half done and decided to finish them. They are probably my favorite thing I've knitted, I love the pale blue/white/hot pink color combination. They are still a little wet in the photo so the pink is a bit dark.

I've had this rose chart drawn up for a while but it's quite large and I wasn't sure when I would get to use it. I was very happy that it fit just perfectly on the bum of these shorties. I was planning on using it for a felted purse originally but my adventures in felting haven't gone very well. I am sticking to duplicate stitching, but this chart would work well with a combination of intarsia (for the outside petals and main color) and fair isle/stranded (going from petal to petal on the inside of the flower).

As always, feel free to use it however you'd like! I'll be outlining all my charts with pen from now on, I think it makes it much easier to see. I've also got to find a better graph, my gauge is way different than the graph's gauge. I think my flower still looks pretty good, but definitely more squished than the chart. 

Musical Symbol Charts

My husband and I have a son and are expecting another baby this October. I learned how to knit when I was pregnant with my son and I loved making tiny newborn things. I was really hoping for a girl this time around because I've never had a chance to knit a wool skirtie! Before we even found out I had an idea for a musical skirt and just started knitting. I was pretty excited by the end result. I took this picture before I washed and blocked it so the stitches aren't quite as pretty as they should be.

I use duplicate stitch for all of my designs now, but I'm sure this could be adapted for intarsia or even fair isle/stranded. On the other side I changed the pattern a little bit and used a whole note with a fermata over it instead of the bass clef. So here are the five designs I used in a chart.

Feel free to use the chart however you like! (Forgive me for the pale color, my 2 year old steals my colored pencils and green was the only one I could find at the time.)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tiny Tardis

I'm expecting a new little one this October and I don't know the gender yet. I've been itching to knit baby things though, and I wanted to make something gender neutral that would still be awesome. So I made this cute little wool soaker (we cloth diaper).

What could be more awesome than the Tardis on the bum of my future Whovian? I shared the finished product on Facebook and got lots of requests for my chart. I drew it up myself, so it's not super fancy or anything, but it gets the job done.

I duplicate stitched the design but I think it could also be used for intarsia. I haven't even attempted intarsia since discovering the magic of duplicate stitching, so I can't say for sure.

I originally drew up the larger design on the right, but it was too big to fit on a newborn sized soaker. So I drew up the smaller design on the left to use. The colors are pretty self explanatory, the only thing I used that was a little strange is cotton floss for the dark blue outlines. When I tried to use wool, even in a darker color, it just blended it. The cotton floss is shinier than wool, so it stands out more. I really like the way it turned out, even if the details were a bit difficult since it was so small (my embroidery isn't that great on big items either).

Feel free to use these charts however you like, I definitely make no claims on Doctor Who and honestly it's pretty much just a blue rectangle. Have fun!