Sunday, June 16, 2013

Musical Symbol Charts

My husband and I have a son and are expecting another baby this October. I learned how to knit when I was pregnant with my son and I loved making tiny newborn things. I was really hoping for a girl this time around because I've never had a chance to knit a wool skirtie! Before we even found out I had an idea for a musical skirt and just started knitting. I was pretty excited by the end result. I took this picture before I washed and blocked it so the stitches aren't quite as pretty as they should be.

I use duplicate stitch for all of my designs now, but I'm sure this could be adapted for intarsia or even fair isle/stranded. On the other side I changed the pattern a little bit and used a whole note with a fermata over it instead of the bass clef. So here are the five designs I used in a chart.

Feel free to use the chart however you like! (Forgive me for the pale color, my 2 year old steals my colored pencils and green was the only one I could find at the time.)

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